Thursday, May 30, 2013

This is taking off!!

I just started this a week ago and I seem to have really picked a project that people are interested in.  I have been contacted by people from all over offering to barter with me.  Today I am being interviewed by Rustik Magazine and I'm very excited by that.

My goal for this little experiment was to connect with my community and to share my love of food with everyone.  I'm excited to meet new people and tell their stories and share good food - this is more important to me than what "stuff" I get in return.  When I initially came up with this idea I thought it would be about the food but in reality it is more about the people I connect with and the food is the introduction.

So thank you in advance for "liking" me on Facebook and telling your friends about this.  I hope this grows and I can help develop a sense of community for all involved.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Meeting new people, sharing great books!

One of my goals in starting Bread'n'Barter was to get out and meet people in my community who share similar interests.  It was my luck that Kate responded to my offer of a strawberry rhubarb pie and we agreed to meet on a chilly Sunday afternoon to make our exchange.

I found Kate standing in line at our local coffee shop.  We sat down to chat and I found we shared many similar interests in food and books and we were both from the Toronto area with children of similar ages.  Kate and I chatted about what I hoped Bread'n'Barter would turn into - about connecting with our food and our neighbours - and then we went on our separate ways.

I think I lucked out on this exchange because Kate gave me three wonderful books to read while she and her family got to enjoy the pie. She later told me the pie didn't last until dessert because they all wanted to try it as soon as she got home.  I'm so happy I got to meet excuse me while I go read a book!

Here is a link to my baking blog on how to make a pie!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

First Barter!

I wasn't sure how well this whole process would go over but it really seems to resonate with people.  I didn't have any trouble finding someone to barter with.  The lovely Iris Woodman quickly contacted me to tell me she had something to trade.

I first met Iris years ago when I was teaching a cake decorating class and she was one of my students. Iris is kind and sweet and a very talented cake decorator but we had lost touch and become "Facebook" friends.  I was surprised to learn that she didn't live that far from  my house and that she had started a home-based spa.  Her barter with me for a loaf of homemade Nova Scotia cheddar and chive bread was a gift certificate for a half hour relaxation massage!!  If you are in the Dartmouth/Eastern Passage area you should check her out: .  My next barter is already in the works!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Bread 'n' Barter - the beginning...

I bake all the time.  It is my passion and my job.  I love sharing my knowledge and passing on the joy that I have in baking to others.  One of my most popular classes I teach is an introduction to bread making and it gave me the idea to start Bread 'n' Barter.  I always have plenty of extra samples that I give to my neighbours but I thought that if I could reach out to others, perhaps those who would love a loaf of home made bread but haven't ever made it before, that I could inspire people to try baking or just appreciate real, less processed food. I would get to meet some interesting people and learn a few things in the process.

So how will it work?  Whenever I bake I will make a little bit extra to share.  I will post what I am doing on my Facebook page and the first one to contact me will get to enjoy the results.  In return, the recipient will give me something in return - no money but something that you think I will enjoy - it could be a favourite book, something that you made, some home made jam or an invitation to a dinner party.  The possibilities are endless!!  I will post here about the exchange we will see how it evolves.

If you would like to join my little social experiment you can "Like" my Facebook page or follow me on  Twitter to receive updates.  I'm looking forward to meeting you!!